2024/5/16 13:00
王国凤,现为上海师范大学外国语学院教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为话语分析、国际传播和翻译批评。在Social Semiotics、Journal of Language and Politics、Digital Scholarship in the Humanities、Critical Discourse Studies、Discourse & Communication、Critical Arts、《外语教学与研究》等发表文章82篇,客座主编SSCI、A&HCI期刊特刊两期,主持国家级项目3项,出版专著2部、译著1部、教材1部,曾获浙江省教学成果奖二等奖。现为Discourse & Society(SSCI)、Journal of Language and Politics(SSCI、A&HCI)、Language in Society(SSCI)和《话语研究论丛》期刊编委。
In this talk, I will discuss how I conduct discourse studies by combining quantitative and qualitative methods in my research endeavors. Through the analysis of my own published works, I will illustrate the process of selecting compelling topics, crafting research designs, choosing appropriate theoretical frameworks, gathering data, and planning analytical methodologies to make meaningful contributions to the existing research landscape that are attractive to diverse international journals. I will also explore the kinds of discourse studies that may be less appealing to editors and the reasons behind this. Furthermore, I will outline the typical structure of an empirical article in English-language publications and emphasize the essential language requirements. Ultimately, I will highlight the importance of foregrounding the unique contributions that discourse analysts bring to the broader knowledge domain, rather than merely showing the application of a rigid model to a dataset.